
get inspired.

The most traveled road to peace of mind comes when you find your purpose in life. In addition, anything great ever accomplished by anyone was usually driven by having a purpose. Stories of business people like Jeff Bezos, Sam Walton, Martha Stewart and athletes like Ted Williams, Michael Jordan and LeBron James reveal people with a […]

Find Your Purpose One Breath At A Time

This may be the most important and overlooked leadership quality. Photo: Getty Images. Leaders are constantly being bombarded with new data, strategies, and biohacking trends to take their leadership to the next level, but one critical element often gets lost in the noise: intuition. Leadership has shifted toward emotional and social intelligence. The good news is […]

4 Ways to Trust Your Instincts for Smarter Decisions and Better Leadership

The benefits are profound: a richer life, reduced fears, and deeper connections.  [Source Photo: Kelvin Valerio/Pexels] As you embark on a journey toward alignment, connecting your professional choices and personal curiosities to your life’s purpose, you might begin to observe synchronicities unfolding. Yet, deeper psychological blocks also emerge.  A frequent exclamation on the spiritual path is, […]

Try this simple breathwork technique to reach peak performance

Purpose has become an elusive concept. An abstract idea that doesn’t feel tangible or accessible. But in truth, every human being has a unique purpose in this lifetime. Each individual has an original gift or skill that is meant to be of service and contribution. Getting in alignment with the higher path is often the […]

What is Purpose and How to Unblock It?

Have you ever stopped and thought, how did I get here? How did I end up in this place, sitting at this table with this person? We can move through life on autopilot, mindlessly transitioning from one day to the next, our bodies taking us where we need to go, with our minds three steps […]

How Breathwork Improves Mind-Body Connection 

In this hashtag era of endless scrolling, daily comparisons, and the need for perfection, it’s never been more important to look after your mental health. The moment we wake up, thoughts busy our mind; finding the right tools to calm these thoughts can be life-changing; however, choosing the best tools for you will depend on […]

Breathwork vs. Meditation – What Are The Differences?

Have you ever been fully immersed in a task at hand, free from all sense of time yet effortlessly productive? Did you experience a mental state of pure clarity, able to hyper-focus on an activity that you found intrinsically rewarding? Chances are, you may have entered flow. But what is flow state?  Flow state occurs […]

What Is Flow State in Breathwork?

Did you know that you take in around 20,000 breaths a day? Whether you’re awake or asleep, you inhale and exhale without needing to think about it consciously. But if you’re under stress, your breathing rate and pattern will change, which puts your body into a “fight or flight response’. Fortunately, you can reduce your […]

What is breathwork? A complete guide to getting started

HypnoBreathwork® is a cutting edge method to clear energetic patterns, reprogram subconscious beliefs and take intuitive action to create the life you want. HypnoBreathwork® Ambassadors: • Master their craft. They are specialists in their field and teach from their own deep work and story.• They honor the power of breathwork and sacred responsibility of subconscious […]

What is HypnoBreathwork certification?

What is HypnoBreathwork®

Here is a list of my top 5 favorite books of all time! STEALING FIRE: How Silicon Valley and Navy Seals are using alternate states of consciousness to accelerate self-development and enhance flow states for creativity, collaboration, innovation, entrepreneurship and community. THE WAY OF THE SUPERIOR MAN: Provocative read and advanced understanding of masculine and feminine dynamics, and how to create polarity in relationships. Every man and […]

Last Minute Gift Ideas!

Last minute gift ideas! My top 5 favorite books of all time!