
get inspired.

In this morning’s hypnobreathwork session, I had a memory from high school. A group of girls paced up to me with one of them shouting, “Keep my name out of your mouth!” I responded blankly, “I don’t even know your name.” It’s wild the events that shape our beliefs and behaviors. This one came up as I […]

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Abundance HypnoBreathwork® to expand the wealth container. When we create from our manifestations, our energy is supercharged to generate more of what we want – the key is to feel the emotion ahead of the event. In this session, we release old stories and modeled behavior by our caretakers that have impacted our financial conditioning […]

Abundance Hypnobreathwork® to Expand the Wealth Container

Abundance HypnoBreathwork

Those are a few words I’d use to describe myself before stumbling upon a spiritual awakening.

Lost. Disconnected. Hurt. Masked toughness.