Stories of business people like Jeff Bezos, Sam Walton, Martha Stewart and athletes like Ted Williams, Michael Jordan and LeBron James reveal people with a single-minded purpose. There are countless other examples in all walks of life about the power of following your driving belief.
However, “you don’t always just find purpose, you normally have to create it,” said Jordan Grumet. He’s a medical doctor and the author of “The Purpose Code.”
“Many people believe purpose is something they stumble upon,” he said. “But the truth is, purpose is an active process. It’s something you build by identifying what excites you and aligning your actions with those passions.”
For example, Grumet said, if you’re energized by helping others grow, you can shape your career around mentoring, coaching or teaching. “Having a purpose isn’t a passive discovery; it’s a deliberate creation,” he said.
People often feel too busy or drained to pursue purposeful activities, yet studies show the average American has about five hours of free time daily, Grumet says.
Doing something that is meaningful to you during that free time “can reinvigorate your work and personal life,” he said. These might be things like joining a committee, creating a webinar or hosting an event.
Grumet tells the story of a corporate employee who was bored at work, so she started researching and blogging about women’s challenges in the workplace. This evolved into seminars and eventually a new job tailored to her passions.
“Small steps toward purpose can lead to significant opportunities,” Grumet said.
Not everything you do brings joy or aligns with your strengths. “Taking time to assess your responsibilities and identifying what truly excites you is a game-changer,” Grumet said.
Similarly, look to evaluate tasks that drain you and then explore ways to delegate, trade or eliminate them. “By focusing on what lights you up, you create more energy and fulfillment in your role,” Grumet said.
Stress clouds clarity and impairs decision-making. To counter that, breathwork offers a science-backed solution, says Francesca Sipma.
Sipma is a certified breathwork coach and hypnotherapist. Breathwork involves breathing techniques designed for relaxation, meditation or therapeutic purposes. Breathwork techniques can reduce stress hormones and enhance cognitive performance.
Stanford Medicine research shows that just five minutes of daily breathwork, particularly a breathing technique called cyclic sighing, significantly reduces anxiety and improves mood.
When Sipma guided 300 Deloitte employees through a breathwork session, she found participants shifted from being stressed and overwhelmed to feeling rejuvenated.
“This demonstrated breathwork’s power as a tool for leaders to regulate emotions and sharpen focus,” she said.
According to McKinsey research, 70% of employees say their sense of purpose is largely defined by work. Sipma says breathwork practices can help people discover how their talents and creativity can create meaningful change in their work.
The research also says those who fulfill their purpose through their work report a two to five times higher level of satisfaction and success in their lives than those who don’t.
“When leaders align their unique skills with meaningful impact, both personal fulfillment and business growth accelerate,” said Sipma, author of “Unblock Your Purpose.”
There are apps that provide guided breathwork sessions designed to unlock clarity and peak performance on demand.
“It’s about helping leaders recognize that their greatest impact lies in aligning personal purpose with organizational success,” Sipma said. “When you clear these blocks, you not only perform better — you discover how your unique talents can create the most impact.”
Unblocking your subconscious mind to find your purpose and be at your best doesn’t have to be an arduous process.
“Through breathwork we can break past subconscious blocks, reframe limiting beliefs and consistently access flow state — that peak zone of high performance and creativity,” Sipma said. “And we can do it in just 20 minutes a morning.”
The most common feedback Sipma hears is: “One session of breathwork feels like two years of psychotherapy.”
Explore one of our HypnoBreathwork® sessions that is designed to support you in any situation you’re wanting clarity on or relief from. Where we combine the power of breath with hypnotic suggestion to help you break free from limiting patterns and manifest the life you desire.